A Travellerspoint blog

living off bananas and crackers

in the jungle

sunny 30 °C
View 1985 on 1985 trip's travel map.

Friday 1st February
Jungle trek

Jungle trek

Meet two French speaking girls, after breakfast off last nights rice, we all set off across Sunghai and make for Yong hide. After about one hour come to a small limestone outcrop with narrow caves etched out by the stream. Fascinating crawl through by two of us. There was a rope to follow at the start but after 10’ I find a broken end. Many bats - round leaf horse shoe and fruit bats, also frogs and giant toads and a small catfish. Bat guano is soft and spongy because of the energetic work of the mites burrowing into it, quite pleasant like well rotted manure. Outside see a scarlet sunbird, and tall pungent ginger plants. Arrive at the hide in the mid afternoon after slow walk. Attractive setting, a dusky leaf monkey crashes about, someone else sees a muntjak. Bananas and crackers, again.

Posted by 1985 trip 09:39 Archived in Malaysia

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